DeepMind 12 Brings Augmented Reality into the Synthesizer World

Augmented reality has gradually become part of our lives. It's already used widely on mobile phone applications but isn't only limited to that. Behringer has accepted the challenge to add AR to the synthesizer world. They introduced an augmented reality interface for their upcoming synthesizer DeepMind 12 at at Synthfest. DeepMind 12 seems to be the first synthesizer to have an AR interface. Visual controls will appear right in front of you when wearing the augmented reality glasses. Behringer says that the AR interface is designed mainly for live performance, but can be used in a studio as well. The development of the interface is still in the beginning, but the Synthfest visitors could already try it out. It was taken in with mixed feelings, but the uppermost feeling was excitement. Will this start a wild AR race in the synthesizer markets?


See Also

behringer deepmind-12 on Synthpedia
