Synthesizer sampler sequencer Deluge by Synthstrom Audible

A fresh new synthesizer manufacturer Synthstrom Audible has released their first product Deluge. It pretty much covers everything. It has an FM and substractive synthesizer engine, it can play samples and on top of it all it works as a sequencer. Deluge has effects such as delay, reverb, chorus, flanger, phaser, bitcrushing, sidechain effect and live stutter. It has LFOs and envelopes for each synthesizer and sample sound that can be customized with the pad matrix.

Deluges pad matrix is huge, 16 x 8, which sounds very promising thinking about sequencing. The pads can be changed into a keyboard, too. Also sequencing and polyphony is not limited by the program but by RAM and CPU. Synthstrom Audible Deluge can be used stand alone or with computer. Power supply is not included but can be bought separately.

The price is not yet announced but preorders can be made from Oct 25th on.


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